September 2013

San Vicente Valley Club’s general meeting and luncheon will be on Wednesday, Sept 25th at the San Vicente Valley Resort, 24157 San Vicente Road. The luncheon is open to the public; guests are encouraged to make reservations at the front desk or call Maxine Mc Namara 760-788-6189 by Friday Sept 20th. The cost is $12.00.  If a cancelation is necessary please contact Maxine at 760-788-6189.  September 2013

One of our speakers is M.P. Zarrella the author of A Tangled Web –Rejecting Technology’s Assault on Mother Nature. “Annelise and her friends knew there was something very wrong and were secretly planning something…..very big.”

Our second speaker Penny Fox wrote the book Daisy in a Gun Barrel  which takes place in the turbulent world of American youth in the 1960’s.Includes detailed descriptions of the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and other earth shaking historical events.