December 2013

San Vicente Valley Club’s Christmas Luncheon will be on Wednesday, December 18th at the San Vicente Valley Resort, 24157 San Vicente Road. The luncheon is open to the public; guests are encouraged to make reservations at the front desk or call Maxine McNamara 760-788-6189 by Friday Dec 13th. The cost is $12.00.  If a cancellation is necessary, please contact Maxine.

Dane Lawler and fellow members of our High School Ramona Chamber Madrigal Choir will entertain us with Christmas and Holiday Music.

November 2013

The San Vicente Valley Club’s general meeting and luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 20th at the San  Vicente Valley Resort, 24157 San Vicente Road. The luncheon is open to the public; guests are encouraged to make reservations at the front desk or call Maxine Mc Namara 760-788-6189 by Friday Nov. 15th. The cost is $12.00. 

If a cancellation is necessary please contact  Maxine at 760-788-6189

Bob Anderson and friend will perform popular music for all ages. Bob grew up in a musical family and is a self-taught musician.  Bob has played with the Black Canyon Band for over 30 years.  He’ll be singing and playing guitar and piano.

November 2013