Donna Murdoch will bring Blaze and Koty who compete in dog agility. They will be demonstrating the sport and show video of recent competitions. This exciting, athletic event requires top conditioning, concentration, training and, most importantly, teamwork as the agile dogs negotiate a tricky obstacle course, including weaving through poles, bounding over jumps, and balancing on boards. The ultimate goal is to complete the course accurately and quickly. Donna, Blaze and Koty compete several weekends a month in agility trials in California and have traveled to both the AKC Agility Invitational and the AKC National Agility Championships to compete. Donna will also take time to familiarize the Club with their breed commonly known as Tollers.
March 2014
San Vicente Valley Club’s Luncheon will be on Wednesday, March 26th at the San Vicente Valley Resort, 24157 San Vicente Road. The luncheon is open to the public; guests are encouraged to make reservations at the front desk or call Maxine McNamara 760-788-6189 by Friday March 21th. The cost is $12.00. If a cancellation is necessary please contact Maxine.
Ali Crumpacker, director of the Fund For Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona will speak to us about the Center which was founded in 1984, is one of the animal care centers in the country operated by the Humane Society of the United States. The facility provides year-round medical and rehabilitative care to ill, injured or orphaned predatory species of wildlife including eagles, raptors, bobcats, cougars and coyotes with the goal of releasing them back into the wild. The FFA Wildlife Center rehabilitates nearly 500 animals each year. FFA Wildlife Center staff and volunteers also maintain the center’s 75 resident animals, many of whom were used by people to turn profits for entertainment in the exotic pet trade. Because these animals were born in captivity and/or raised by humans, these resident animals could not be returned to the wild and, therefore, must live in sanctuary at the center.